Current Promotions
Check often for current manufacturer promotions:
- Deal Registration Available
- Buy 9 Get 1 More Free! - Purchase 9 units of models among V62/V63/V64/V65/V67, get one more of the same model phone FREE. 4/1/2024-3/31/2025
- Up to 10% Public Sector Discounts
- Public Sector Rebates
- Deal Registration
- Poly Phone Cashback Program for select Edge/VVX/CCX/ROVE/TRIO Phones (Ends 1/31/2024)
- Poly Headset Trade-In Program (Blackwire, DA85, EncorePro, Savi, Sync & Voyage)
- Poly CCX Trade-In Program
- Poly Trio Trade-In Program
- Poly Video Trade-In Program
- Free Sangoma P315 with 3-year, 4-year, 5-year unlimited Sangoma Cloud Plan (ends 6/30/2023)
- Sangoma Legacy Premise-to-Cloud Deep Discount Promotion (ends 6/30/2023)
- Purchase Sangoma Switchvox with SIPStation SIP Trunks for $16.99/Channel (ends 3/31/2022)
- Sangoma Switchvox Cloud for Non-Profit Customers 25% off (ends 6/30/2023)
- Sangoma Switchvox Government 5% off MSRP (ends 6/30/2023)
- Sangoma Switchvox Non-Profit 5% off MSRP (ends 6/30/2023)
- Sangoma Switchvox Cloud Non-Profit 25% off MSRP (ends 6/30/2023)
- *Resellers Only* Sangoma Cloud $$$ MRR SPIFF + BONUS (ends 6/30/2023)
- *Resellers Only* Sangoma Cloud Renewal $$$ MRR SPIFF (ends 6/30/2023)
- *Resellers Only* Additional MRR! (ends 6/30/2023)
- *Resellers Only* Demo Equipment
- *Resellers Only* Deal Registration Available
- Check back soon
Get up to $1800 off Yealink Meetingboards All-in-One Video Meeting Interactive Whiteboard Solution
- Get $200 Off Yealink A20 Meetingbars Plus a Free VCH51 Sharing Box for a total of $500 value savings!
- Deal Registration Available! Contact us to see if you may be eliglbe for additional deal discounts on quantity purchase of Yealink phones, headsets and audio/video conference systems.
- *Resellers Only* Zultys Cloud $$$ MRR SPIFF
- *Resellers Only* Large agent sign up bonuses!