Cisco CP-7914 Key Expansion Module - Refurbished


Condition: Refurbished

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You can use up to two Cisco 7914 Expansion Modules with a Cisco IP Phone Model 7960G, 7961G, 7970G or 7971G-GE

The large LCD display of the Cisco IP Phone Expansion Module allows for quick and easy identification of associated buttons. Using the Settings menu of the Cisco IP Phones 7960G, 7961G, 7970G and 7971G-GE, you can adjust the contrast of the individual LCDs for the Cisco IP Phones 7960G, 7961G, 7970G and 7971G-GE and Cisco 7914 Expansion Module according to your preference. The 14 buttons on each Cisco IP Phone Expansion Module 7914 can be programmed as a directory number (DN), line key, or speed-dial key, much like the Cisco IP Phones 7960G, 7961G, 7970G and 7971G-GE. When used as a DN key, buttons are illuminated, allowing easy identification of call state.

These capabilities provide features that are similar to typical Direct Station Selection/Busy Lamp Field (DSS/BLF) modules but are not intended to be directly equal to legacy DSS/BLF modules. The Cisco 7914 is not an operator or attendant console. The primary function of the Cisco 7914 Expansion Module is to provide the Cisco IP Phones 7960G, 7961G, 7970G and 7971G-GE with additional keys for speed-dial or directory numbers. The illuminated buttons provide ease of line status making the Cisco 7914 an ideal call coverage tool.

Typical Scenario: You receive a call for your director at extension 12345. You look at your Cisco 7914 Expansion Module and see that your director has a call in progress with another party and another call on hold. Looking at the Cisco 7914 Expansion Module LCD, you note that another manager in your group has just completed a call and might be able to assist the incoming caller. You consult briefly with the incoming caller and then transfer the call to the available manager.

  • Line Key: Using the Cisco CallManager Administration tool, the system administrator assigns one or more DN to buttons on the Cisco 7914 Expansion Module as desired. The line key will show the appropriate designation.
  • Speed Dial: Each button not used as a line (DN) key can be programmed as a speed-dial key in the same manner as the Cisco IP Phones 7960G, 7961G, 7970G and 7971G-GE. You can use the Cisco IP Phone User Options Web page to program a speed-dial number and label the associated button with an appropriate name.
  • Cisco CallManager Version 3.1(2c) or later
  • Cisco IP Phones 7960G (CP-7960G), 7961G (CP-7961G) , 7970G (CP-7970G) and 7971G-GE (CP-7971G-GE)
  • Cisco IP Phone Expansion Module 7914 (CP-7914=) (maximum of two modules) (Connecting cable supplied with each Cisco 7914)
  • New footstand is required, single (CP-SINGLFOOTSTAND=) or double (CP-DOUBLFOOTSTAND=) as appropriate
  • Power cube (CP-PWR-CUBE) and AC Powr Cord to supply local power

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